If you are in Naples and just purchased your car or are planning on renewing your car insurance, there are things you need to know, such as the different types of auto insurance coverage available. Understanding the different types of auto insurance plans can help you make the right decision and ensure you are covered against loss. When purchasing your insurance policy, it might be hard to read through all the terms and conditions of the policy. However, you must consult and ensure you are covered for your specific concerns. It makes it easy for you to file a claim, and you avoid missing out when you realize that the event that led to the loss was not covered. Don’t forget to ensure the insurer company is reputable, such as Del Toro Insurance, to ensure you follow a straightforward procedure when applying and filling for a claim. This post will explore the common types of auto insurance to consider.
Types of Auto Insurance
There are six major car insurance types considered the standard policy. They include liability, collision, comprehensive coverage, uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage, medical payment coverage, and personal injury protection. However, there is still another additional type of automobile insurance in Naples, FL, that you can choose to add. It includes Roadside assistance, gap insurance, new car replacement, and rental car reimbursement.
1. Liability Coverage
Liability coverage is among the most essential parts of your vehicle insurance policy, and it’s a requirement in most states. Under liability insurance, there are two types covered, which include bodily injury liability coverage and property damage liability coverage. The bodily injury liability covers other drivers after an accident for which you are liable, along with other expenses such as lost wages. Property damage liability coverage conceals the damage you cause in a car accident and usually other cars, like buildings or fences. Liability insurance ensures you don’t have to pay out-of-pocket to cover the expenses. However, you should note that if you have a lower liability limit than the damage, you will be held responsible for any cost beyond your policy’s limit.
2. Comprehensive Coverage
Comprehensive coverage, along with collision coverage, make up the full coverage policy. You should note that comprehensive covers all the damages not caused by a collision. It includes damages from falling tree debris and branches, water damage such as rain and flooding, or vandalism. In addition, they cover damages caused by hitting an animal, windstorms, and animal infestation.
3. Collision Coverage
Collision coverage is insurance coverage that pays for damages to your car after an accident, even if you are at fault. Together with the comprehensive coverage, they make up the full-coverage policy. It’s crucial to note that collision coverage requires a deductible, the amount you pay out of pocket if you have to make a claim. It’s critical to note that any state does not require collision coverage, but you need to get it if you financed your car with a loan.
4. Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage
The coverage for uninsured and underinsured motorists is different but often joined together. They help cover damages to your car caused by uninsured drivers or lack of car insurance to cover their share. In some states, uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage is a must-have. However, even if your state does not require you to have this cover, it’s excellent to consider since they are cheap and can help you in case of damage.
5. Personal Injury Protection
Another incredible driver coverage you need to consider is personal injury protection, which covers you from lost wages, injuries, pain, and suffering. Additionally, it can cover funeral expenses after a car accident, regardless of who is at fault. You may not need personal injury protection if you have sufficient health insurance.
Final Thoughts
Understanding these types of auto insurance helps you make well-informed decisions on what to prioritize. It’s critical to ensure you always have at least the minimum insurance required by the state to avoid fines or getting arrested.